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Archive by tag: FLSAReturn

Legal Focus: 2024 Year In Review

2024 brought many significant changes and events that affect the school bus industry. From the extension of the Under the Hood Exemption, to changes and challenges in new laws affecting employers, there was no shortage of news in the past year. Continuing reading for a recap of the year’s most significant events that may have an impact on you and your business.
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Legal Focus: Changes to the Department of Labor’s Overtime Rules

Overtime compliance can be difficult to track especially if your employees do not have a typical 9 to 5 workday. In addition, the tests that have been put into place by the United States Department of Labor to track are not always clear if your employees perform multiple types of work at differing rates. Now, the Department of Labor has introduced another change to overtime rules that will require employers to take an even closer look at whether their employees are owed overtime. To learn more a...
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5/15/2024| Reference Number : 259.71.4| Legal, Legislative/Regulatory | overtime, wage and hour, FLSA, Department of Labor, Salary |

The Biden Administration Proposed Overtime Rule – How This May Affect Your Business

Once again, the United States Department of Labor (the “Department’) is looking to expand eligibility for overtime pay required under the Fair Labor Standards Act (the “FLSA”). The newly proposed rule was announced by the Department on August 30, 2023, and subsequently published in the federal register on September 8, 2023. Continue reading for an overview of what the current overtime law requires, what the proposed rule seeks to change, and how your business may be affected.
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Per Run Pay – Minimum Wage and Overtime Considerations

Many school transportation contractors continue to look for creative ways to retain drivers. Some contractors may decide to pay their drivers on a per run basis, rather than by the hour. This can be an attractive payment model for drivers, and award efficiency with more pay in less time. However, contractors that pay their drivers on a per run basis should be mindful of their obligations of continued compliance with applicable minimum wage and overtime laws. Continue reading to learn how federal...
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FLSA Overtime Ruling Update

After two years of anticipation, the Department of Labor (DOL) published its Final Rule updating the threshold for overtime pay effective January 1, 2020. This 2019 Final Rule comes on the heels of a previous attempt to update overtime pay thresholds in 2016 during the Obama Administration. The 2016 Final Rule that was placed under a nation-wide injunction by a Texas Federal Judge, and then invalidated by President Trump after he assumed office. Many, including the DOL, hope this one is here to...
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10/23/2019| Reference Number : 71.3| DOL, Overtime, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) |

Overtime and Minimum Wage Changes Propoosed by U.S. Department of Labor

Many remember the 2016 Obama era rule from the U.S. Dept. of Labor (US DOL) that sought to more than double the threshold for overtime pay by employers. That rule was contested in federal court and was ultimately withdrawn by the Trump administration. The U.S. Department of Labor is now again proposing a new rule that would increase the overtime pay threshold and the number of workers eligible for overtime pay and minimum wage.
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Legal Updates for School Bus Contractors - Year in Review

2018 will see the effects of many laws and regulations that that were passed in the last year. Following is a brief “year in review” highlighting the federal and state regulations that matter to Pennsylvania’s school bus contractors.
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