As school transportation contractors know, the transportation industry is heavily regulated by federal agencies. For the last forty years, federal agencies and courts interpreting statutes to be administered by a federal agency were guided by the decision in the United States Supreme Court Case, Chevron U.S.A. v. Natural Resources Defense Counsel,, 467 U.S. 837. However, a Supreme Court case from 2024 has shook up this longstanding framework, which could have lasting implications for regulatory ...
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Overtime compliance can be difficult to track especially if your employees do not have a typical 9 to 5 workday. In addition, the tests that have been put into place by the United States Department of Labor to track are not always clear if your employees perform multiple types of work at differing rates. Now, the Department of Labor has introduced another change to overtime rules that will require employers to take an even closer look at whether their employees are owed overtime. To learn more a...
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On January 10, 2024, the United States Department of Labor (the “DOL”) published it’s highly anticipated final rule on employee and independent contractor classification under the Fair Labor Standard Act (the “FLSA”). This final rule – the implementation of which was a primary goal of the Biden Administration – establishes a number of key changes to worker classifications, and rescinds the 2021 Independent Contractor Rule that was put into effect under the Trump Administration. Continue r...
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The application period for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) 2022 Clean School Bus (CSB) Rebate Program is open until August 19, 2022. The 2022 CSB Rebate Program will distribute $500 million in grant funds that can be used to replace certain diesel school buses with zero emission (electric) school buses and/or alternative fuel (propane or compressed natural gas (CNG)) school buses. But, some program requirements present challenges that are unique to independent school bu...
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Despite continuing COVID limitations on access to the Nation’s Capitol, NSTA will once again be holding the annual bus-in in Washington DC April 6 through April 8, 2022. With the
challenges of COVID, the critical driver shortage, and the aggressive push toward electric school bus fleets, there has never been a more critical need to educate law makers about the challenges and complexities of the school bus industry. Read further to learn how you can support advocacy efforts for the school bus i...
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Despite the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) continued position that “the school bus is the safest vehicle on the road”, in 2019 the school bus industry has been the focus of increased attention from lawmakers and regulators. Following is a brief discussion of the evolving state and federal laws from the past year that matter most to Pennsylvania’s school bus contractors.
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1/20/2020| Reference Number : 110.2| Legal,
Human Resources,
School Bus,
Legislative/Regulatory | Pennsylvania,
U.S. Department of Labor,
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration,
Drug and Alcohol,
FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse,
Hours of Service,
Criminal Record,
Flexible Instruction Days,
Clean Slate Law |
For school bus contractors, proper access to and handling of confidential student information is important. This is especially true when dealing with special issues related to a child’s care. Businesses and school districts often struggle to balance the protection of student privacy with the disclosure of information necessary for student health and safety. This article discusses access to and protection of confidential information.
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