News & Insights

The implementation of paid sick leave laws by states, cities, and counties is a fast growing trend across the country, and many employers who operate in areas that adopt these laws may potentially be affected. This article discusses what paid sick leave laws are and highlights certain laws that have been introduced and/or passed in Pennsylvania.
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For many contractors this spring is the first time since the COVID-19 school shutdowns began, that they will be preparing proposals or bids for transportation contracts. This article will discuss different post-COVID considerations and strategies.
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As school transportation contractors enter into bid season, it is in the interest of the contractor to price competitively; however, contractors should be careful to consider the possibility of changes to their operational costs during the term of the contract. Currently, there is much discussion at the state and federal level on laws that could affect costs for transportation contractors, such as laws related to changes in infrastructure and school bus safety equipment. In the event that such c...
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Across the nation, numerous school transportation contractors continue to experience the financial strain caused by school closures due to the coronavirus. The sudden elimination of in-person school days during the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years has driven many school districts to refuse to pay their transportation contractors, citing that because no driving occurred, there is no service to pay for. However, even when no driving is performed, transportation contractors continue to provide ...
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The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) requires many employers with more than ten (10) employees to maintain injury and illness records if the injuries and illnesses are work-related. In April 2020, OSHA issued guidance that established COVID-19 as a recordable illness and stated that employers may be required to record cases of COVID-19. However, because COVID-19 can be easily transmitted, and considering the fact that a sick employee may be unaware he or she contracted CO...
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As we are quickly approaching the one-year anniversary of the introduction of Covid-19 in the United States in February 2020, federal regulatory agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continue to work closely with pharmaceutical companies who are in the process of developing a vaccine to assist with the development and implementation. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have been approved by the FDA and are currently in the ea...
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On Nov. 25, 2020 Governor Wolf signed SB 1216/Act 136 which included language addressing school transportation subsidies for the 2020-2021 school year. The new law assures that Pennsylvania schools will receive a transportation subsidy payment from the Pennsylvania Department of Education equal to the amount allocated for the previous school year if the school pays their contracted transportation provider as if there were no COVID-19 interruptions in the 2020-2021 reduced school year minus varia...
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