News & Insights

Recent changes to the Pennsylvania Public School Code tightened the state’s qualifications for school bus drivers by expanding the list of disqualifying offenses and by making those convictions a lifetime ban as opposed to a short term (five year) restriction on working as a school bus driver. This article explains the changes and gives some practical advice about the Decem-ber 27, 2011 self-reporting deadline and dealing with affected drivers.
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Staffing up for the start of a new school year has generated a number of inquiries about the Americans with Disabilities Act and related state laws. Following is a brief summary that provides general guidance. Each situation is unique but every situation requires proper handling and, most importantly, documentation.
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In January of 1900, Theodore Roosevelt was governor of New York when he first used the phrase, “speak softly and carry a big stick” when writing about a particular victory in local politics. The phrase later became the trademark of his foreign policy when he served as 26th President of the United States from 1901 to 1909. For Pennsylvania’s school bus contractors, their “big stick” is the good work done by the National Student Transportation Association (NSTA). In July, I had the opportuni...
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Many states have recently consid-ered or have passed laws about advertising on school buses. While marketing companies hop-ing to sell advertising space are enthusiastic advocates and school boards hoping to offset costs are more cautious proponents, there are many who strongly oppose the concept. (Read more at Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood; www.commercialfreechildhood.org). But while the debate continues and some states enact legislation al-lowing school bus advertising, in-dependen...
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Interested in getting the most out of your employees and reducing the risk of employment law issues? Implementing a true employee per-formance review process can help you achieve both. If you are al-ready going through the effort and energy of completing annual per-formance reviews – make sure you are getting the full return on your investment by creating an effective performance review process.
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The parents of a Pennsylvania child are seeking damages in a civil action, from the school district and the independent school bus contractor for injuries sustained during a school bus evacuation drill. A critical review of your evacuation drill policy and procedure would be wise.
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Hiring good and reliable employees is a big challenge – good inter-view, good qualifications, clean criminal background check – uh, oh – your best candidate was con-victed of shoplifting 25 years ago, or charged with assault 10 years ago, what if the was just arrested, but not convicted… and what is a non-conviction anyway? Improper use of criminal background infor-mation in hiring decisions can make the employer liable for fines, damages, and attorney’s fees. Following is some information ...
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