News & Insights

As you will recall, in 2012 the Pennsylvania Legislature considered a variety of changes to Pennsylvania’s existing wiretap law, 18 Pa.C.S. § 5703. The existing statue, commonly regarded as the most restrictive in the nation, devotes most of its text to law enforcement’s use of wiretaps and provides criminal and civil remedies for violations. The risk of enforcement against a school bus contractor is an unintended result of that statue. While certain changes to Pennsylvania’s wiretap law wer...
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As you may know, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has a specific division that addresses Highway and Motor Carrier security. This special unit of TSA has developed the School Transportation Security Awareness (STSA) Program through a collaborative partnership with the National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services, the National Association of Pupil Transportation, and the National School Transportation Association. Recently, one of our PSBA members was ...
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Personnel Records play an important role in how we manage our staff and our business. Proper recordkeeping and documentation provides business owners with the support, tools, and proof that they need to insure good employee management and prove compliance with the law. Many questions are raised about what should be kept, how long and who should have access to certain information. It would be good to review your record keeping practices to insure you are in the best position to answer questi...
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While business growth is exciting, it also increases the costs of labor and related expenses. Businesses that have grown to become “employers” face many new challenges, including the need for Workers’ Compensation Coverage. This note will discuss the obligations of a Pennsylvania employer regarding worker’s compensation and will suggest measures your business can take to minimize the risk of unexpected claims or expenses.
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Employers invest significant amounts of time and money in specialized training for prospective and existing employees. When the employee uses their newly acquired knowledge, skill, or credentials for the benefit of the company, the in-vestment pays off. But, if the employee leaves shortly after the training, or never joins the company, the investment is lost. This article provides some insight and suggestions that will help employers avoid losing the value of their investment in specialized trai...
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With a New Year often come changes and challenges in running your business. One such new challenge for 2013 is the Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Training Act. January 2, 2013 was the official effective date for the recently enacted law governing mandatory child abuse recognition and reporting training. The new Pennsylvania law (1084, No. 126 Cl. 24 Session of 2012 amendment of the Public School Code of 1949 Section 1205.6) mandates that all school entities and independent contractors of ...
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