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Across the nation, numerous school transportation contractors continue to experience the financial strain caused by school closures due to the coronavirus. The sudden elimination of in-person school days during the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years has driven many school districts to refuse to pay their transportation contractors, citing that because no driving occurred, there is no service to pay for. However, even when no driving is performed, transportation contractors continue to provide ...
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As we are quickly approaching the one-year anniversary of the introduction of Covid-19 in the United States in February 2020, federal regulatory agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continue to work closely with pharmaceutical companies who are in the process of developing a vaccine to assist with the development and implementation. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have been approved by the FDA and are currently in the ea...
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Initiatives decided on November 3, 2020 by Arizona, New Jersey, Montana, South Dakota and Mississippi broadened state marijuana laws. There are now has 36 states and 4 territories with state laws permitting the medicinal and/or recreational use of marijuana. While federal law still prohibits marijuana and would normally control employment actions arising from marijuana, some recent federal courts have allowed state employment discrimination cases arising from drug test related employment termina...
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Many schools continue to resist payments to school bus contractors, with some schools ignoring invoices, rejecting invoices, or paying unilaterally reduced amounts. As the 2020-2021 school year is underway, non-payment issues continue, leaving many school bus contractors wondering what to do. Fortunately, many states have Prompt Payment Laws that make public entities liable for interest and attorney’s fees if the public entity does not promptly pay invoices from contractors. These laws vary fro...
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It’s always a good time to think about succession planning and long term goals. Now, with the uncertainty that 2020 has brought, it’s as good a time as any to make a plan for your business for the future. In making a plan for your future it is common to for business owners to 1) pass their business on to a reliable family member or 2) sell the business to a key employee or other individual within
the organization or 3) sell to a thirdparty. Below, this article will discuss each of these optio...
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As remote learning in some form or another continues into the new school year contractors continue to face challenges getting paid for partial services and special operations due to coronavirus. This article suggests some ways to address these issues.
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Amidst the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic many schools are considering reopening and school bus contractors are now starting the process of calling employees back to work and taking precautions for students who will soon be boarding buses. However, one concern of many contractors is the risk of liability claim exposure related to COVID-19 from people riding on their vehicles or in their premises. This article will discuss 1) the scope of the risk of liability to your company from COVID-19 exposure, 2...
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