News & Insights

Archive by tag: EmploymentReturn

DOL Publishes New Final Rule on Independent Contractors

On January 10, 2024, the United States Department of Labor (the “DOL”) published it’s highly anticipated final rule on employee and independent contractor classification under the Fair Labor Standard Act (the “FLSA”). This final rule – the implementation of which was a primary goal of the Biden Administration – establishes a number of key changes to worker classifications, and rescinds the 2021 Independent Contractor Rule that was put into effect under the Trump Administration. Continue r...
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1/25/2024| Reference Number : 259.211| Department of Labor, Independent Contractor, Employment, Worker Classification |

The Biden Administration Proposed Overtime Rule – How This May Affect Your Business

Once again, the United States Department of Labor (the “Department’) is looking to expand eligibility for overtime pay required under the Fair Labor Standards Act (the “FLSA”). The newly proposed rule was announced by the Department on August 30, 2023, and subsequently published in the federal register on September 8, 2023. Continue reading for an overview of what the current overtime law requires, what the proposed rule seeks to change, and how your business may be affected.
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FMCSA Pre-Employment Drug Testing of School Bus Driver Applicants

Drug testing is an important part of the job for school bus contractors, but the FMCSA rules can be complex and difficult to understand which complicates the hiring process. Hiring for contractors is also unique because many applicants come to the employer without a commercial driver’s license (“CDL”) or endorsements needed to perform the job. But, contractors do not want to expend a lot of time and money on training for an applicant who they won’t retain. This article discusses common quest...
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9/7/2023| Reference Number : 259.203.2| Pre-Employment Drug Testing, Drug Testing, FMCSA, Job Applicant |

Compensable Pre-Employment Training

For school transportation contractors in Pennsylvania, it is peak hiring season as the start of the new school year is just under a month away. Many contractors are navigating through the nationwide driver shortage to find drivers to fill seats on school buses for the upcoming school year, and are beginning to take a closer look at policies and practices relating to the hiring and training of drivers. As contractors continue to look for creative ways to address the driver shortage while experien...
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7/28/2022| Reference Number : 188.0| Legal, School Bus | Pre-Employment Training, Fair Labor Standards Act |

Equal Opportunity Employment Laws Review

Whether you are a small or large business owner, an HR professional, or an employee, it is important to understand the basics of Employment Law. Employment laws are in place to ensure that the workplace you provide, or are a part of, is safe and fair. This article covers general information on Equal Opportunity Employment Laws and reviews the regulations under the domain of the Equal Opportunity Commission.
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7/2/2013| Reference Number : 24.0| Human Resources | Employment Laws |

How Will Changes to Pennsylvania's Unemployment Compensation Law Affect School Bus Contractors

As you know, Pennsylvania school bus drivers working for independent contractors are currently eligible to receive unemployment compensation benefits during the summer break while drivers employed by a school district are not. The reason is because Article IV, Section 402.1 of Pennsylvania’s Unemployment Compensation Law (Pa UC Law) has exceptions that apply to employees of political subdivisions like a school district but that do not apply to employees of independent contractors. On October 14...
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2/1/2012| Reference Number : 8.0| Human Resources | Unemployment Compensation Brenefits |

