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School transportation contractors in Pennsylvania may find themselves in a situation where a school district customer is requesting that the transportation contractor carry certain emergency medications and treatments on the school bus. For some, school districts may have inquired about carrying and administering naloxone nasal spray (commonly referred to its brand name Narcan). Some Pennsylvania transportation contractors have also been down this road before with school districts requesting tha...
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A new statute, Pennsylvania (24 P.S. 14-1414.2) became effective in January 2015 addressing a school’s administration of EpiPens. As a result many schools are reviewing EpiPen handling expectations with their contractors. In some cases, there is confusion about exactly what the new statute means and how it interacts with an older Pennsylvania statute (42 Pa. C.S. 8337.1) that provides civil immunity in some situations to certain people who render emergency care. This article provides informatio...
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All employers worry when they receive a call asking for information about a former employee. In fact, many employers will only give the dates of employment and position last held. But under Act 168, some employers are required to answer in more detail. Fortunately, Pennsylvania law protects employers who disclose truthful, documented information about a current or former employee’s job performance to a prospective employer. Important details follow.
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