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Archive by tag: MarijuanaReturn

Legal Focus: Will Rescheduling Marijuana Change Drug Testing for CDL Drivers?

As you may have heard, a proposal has been made by the Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”) to reschedule marijuana from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act to Schedule III on the basis that marijuana has a currently accepted medical use and does not have the same level of abuse potential or level of physical or psychological dependence as other Schedule I drugs, consistent with the Department of Health and Human Services views on marijuana. The DEA filed a No...
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7/3/2024| Reference Number : 783.7.19| Legal, School Bus, Legislative/Regulatory | Marijuana, Drug Testing, Medical Marijuana, FMCSA |

Back to School Recruiting and Retaining Drivers

Back to school season is in high gear and effective driver recruiting and retention are an important part of minimizing the issues that arise. The driver shortage has increased the need to take advantage of every opportunity to hire and retain drivers. So, school bus contractors must consider different strategies when deciding what will best help alleviate the driver shortage for your business. Below, we discuss different strategies that you can try.Click Here to Read More
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Keeping Up with Evolving Pennsylvania Marijuana Laws

Despite the Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Act (the “PMMA”), being passed over five (5) years ago, many Pennsylvania employers face uncertainty when addressing employees or applicants who are medical marijuana cardholders. The laws around marijuana are quickly evolving with recent court decisions, and recreational marijuana laws are becoming more common in neighboring states. This article will discuss risk management and the employers’ and the drug testing companies’ role in Pennsylvania wit...
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New York's Medical Marijuana Law: What Does it Mean for School Bus Contractors

In 2014 New York legalized medical marijuana with passage of the Compassionate Care Act (CCA). This NY state law allows doctors to prescribe marijuana in a non-smokable form to patients with serious ailments that are recognized by the state on a predefined list of conditions. New York is one of twenty-nine states in the U.S. to have legalized marijuana. But, all of the state laws legalizing marijuana are in conflict with current federal law. This article discusses the conflict of the New York la...
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State Laws Legalizing Medical Marijuana: What Does it Mean for School Bus Contractors?

Across the nation there are currently 24 states that have legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes. Medicinal marijuana can be used as a treatment for multiple conditions ranging from chronic pain to epilepsy to cancer. But, while many states have legalized medicinal marijuana, individuals using marijuana in compliance with state law are concurrently violating federal laws prohibiting the use of marijuana. Discussion and guidance follows.
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1/26/2017| Reference Number : 73.1| School Bus, Legislative/Regulatory | Medical Marijuana |

Pennsylvania's New Medical Marijuana Law - What Does it Mean for School Bus Contractors

On April 17, 2016 Governor Tom Wolf signed the medical marijuana bill (Pennsylvania Senate Bill 3) into law, making Pennsylvania the 24th state in the union to legalize the drug for medicinal purposes. According to the law, there are 17 conditions for which marijuana could be used to treat, ranging from chronic pain to epilepsy to cancer. The law will allow up to 25 growers/processors and up to 150 dispensary locations. Because these new enterprises must go through rigorous steps to establish th...
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