News & Insights

Archive by tag: 24 P.S. § 1-111Return
Back to school season is in high gear and driver clearances are an important part of that process. The driver shortage has increased the need to take advantage of every opportunity to hire a driver, but contractors must also assure their employees are eligible to work with children under applicable laws. It is important for school bus contractors to understand and properly use background check information when making employment decisions. Below, we discuss what you need to know.Click Here to Rea...
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Recent changes to the Pennsylvania Public School Code tightened the state’s qualifications for school bus drivers by expanding the list of disqualifying offenses and by making those convictions a lifetime ban as opposed to a short term (five year) restriction on working as a school bus driver. This article explains the changes and gives some practical advice about the Decem-ber 27, 2011 self-reporting deadline and dealing with affected drivers.
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