Legal Focus


The General Duties Clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), says that “[e]ach employer shall furnish … employees … a place of employment … free from recognized hazards that are … likely to cause … serious physical harm to … employees”, 29 U.S.C. § 654, 5(a). Recently, OSHA fined a York, PA healthcare provider $98,000 because OSHA found that the employer did not properly respond to an employee’s request for help with treating violent patients. This article will discuss what to do when one of your employees make you aware of an ongoing risk of injury from the violent actions of employees or non-employees in the course of performing one’s job.

Contact Us to read the Full Article. 


FMCSA Pre-Employment Drug Testing of School Bus Driver Applicants

FMCSA Pre-Employment Drug Testing of School Bus Driver Applicants

Drug testing is an important part of the job for school bus contractors, but the FMCSA rules can be ...

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School Bus Advertising……."Rent This Space"

School Bus Advertising……."Rent This Space"

Many states have recently consid-ered or have passed laws about advertising on school buses. While m...

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Employer's Perspective on "Self-Certification" for CDL Holders

Much has been written previously and elsewhere in this newsletter regarding the details of the FMCSA...

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Paid Sick Leave in Pennsylvania

Paid Sick Leave in Pennsylvania

The implementation of paid sick leave laws by states, cities, and counties is a fast growing trend a...

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Electronic Logging Devices and Electronic OSHA Reporting Compliance Deadlines in December 2017

Electronic Logging Devices and Electronic OSHA Reporting Compliance Deadlines in December 2017

After December 1, 2017, school bus contractors with 20 or more employees will be required to report ...

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Assuring Compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act

Assuring Compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act

School bus contractors are required to comply with many laws and regulations to ensure legal complia...

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