Legal Focus


Per Run Pay – Minimum Wage and Overtime Considerations

11/4/2022| Reference Number : 259.192| Legal, Human Resources, School Bus, Legislative/Regulatory | Fair Labor Standards Act, FLSA, Overtime | | Return|

Many school transportation contractors continue to look for creative ways to retain drivers. Some contractors may decide to pay their drivers on a per run basis, rather than by the hour. This can be an attractive payment model for drivers, and award efficiency with more pay in less time. However, contractors that pay their drivers on a per run basis should be mindful of their obligations of continued compliance with applicable minimum wage and overtime laws. Continue reading to learn how federal law applies to this payment model, and what you can do to ensure compliance.

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Avoiding OSHA Violations for Workplace Violence

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Act 39 HB 1448

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Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended prohibits employment discrimination and retalia...

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Diabetes Exemptions & Waivers

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In September 2018, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced it was revising...

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Assuring Fair Process in Pennsylvania - Open Meetings, Right to Know, and Conflicts of Interest

Assuring Fair Process in Pennsylvania - Open Meetings, Right to Know, and Conflicts of Interest

Questions about the fairness of the contract negotiation process with a school district or school bo...

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