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Archive by tag: Drug TestingReturn

Legal Focus: Will Rescheduling Marijuana Change Drug Testing for CDL Drivers?

As you may have heard, a proposal has been made by the Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”) to reschedule marijuana from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act to Schedule III on the basis that marijuana has a currently accepted medical use and does not have the same level of abuse potential or level of physical or psychological dependence as other Schedule I drugs, consistent with the Department of Health and Human Services views on marijuana. The DEA filed a No...
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7/3/2024| Reference Number : 783.7.19| Legal, School Bus, Legislative/Regulatory | Marijuana, Drug Testing, Medical Marijuana, FMCSA |

FMCSA Pre-Employment Drug Testing of School Bus Driver Applicants

Drug testing is an important part of the job for school bus contractors, but the FMCSA rules can be complex and difficult to understand which complicates the hiring process. Hiring for contractors is also unique because many applicants come to the employer without a commercial driver’s license (“CDL”) or endorsements needed to perform the job. But, contractors do not want to expend a lot of time and money on training for an applicant who they won’t retain. This article discusses common quest...
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9/7/2023| Reference Number : 259.203.2| Pre-Employment Drug Testing, Drug Testing, FMCSA, Job Applicant |

Oral Fluid Drug Testing – What You Should Know

On May 2, 2023, the Department of Transportation (“DOT”) published a final rule permitting the use of oral fluid drug testing in certain regulated drug testing programs. The final rule affects agencies under the DOT, including the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (“FMCSA”). Continue reading to learn more about what the rule requires, as well as some additional considerations regarding oral fluid drug testing.
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6/1/2023| Reference Number : 259.203.1| Legal, School Bus, Legislative/Regulatory | Drug testing, DOT, FMCSA, Employer Policies |

