NSTA Member Advocacy: Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick…
In January of 1900, Theodore Roosevelt was governor of New York when he first used the phrase, “speak softly and carry a big stick” when writing about a particular victory in local politics. The phrase later became the trademark of his foreign policy when he served as 26th President of the United States from 1901 to 1909. For Pennsylvania’s school bus contractors, their “big stick” is the good work done by the National Student Transportation Association (NSTA).
In July, I had the opportunity to attend the NSTA annual conference in Baltimore MD and to meet with the Executive Director, President, Board, and many of the members. I was impressed by the work they do and their recent achievements on behalf of school bus contractors across the country. I provide the following to share what I discovered and to encourage all PSBA members to support and join the NSTA.
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