Legal Focus


The General Duties Clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), says that “[e]ach employer shall furnish … employees … a place of employment … free from recognized hazards that are … likely to cause … serious physical harm to … employees”. 29 U.S.C. § 654, 5(a). Recently, OSHA fined a York, PA healthcare provider $98,000 because OSHA found that the employer did not properly respond to an employee’s request for help with treating violent patients. This article will discuss what to do when your driver or aide makes you aware of an on going risk of injury from violence on the school bus.

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How Will Changes to Pennsylvania's Unemployment Compensation Law Affect School Bus Contractors

How Will Changes to Pennsylvania's Unemployment Compensation Law Affect School Bus Contractors

As you know, Pennsylvania school bus drivers working for independent contractors are currently eligi...

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Special Needs Student Discipline on the Bus in Pennsylvania

Sometimes, disciplinary action must to be taken to address inappropriate student behavior on the sch...

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The Business Risks of Social Networks

The Business Risks of Social Networks

Many businesses have started Facebook and LinkedIn pages as part of their marketing campaigns and a ...

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Traffic Offenses and CDL Disqualification

Traffic Offenses and CDL Disqualification

While everyone is aware of the November 2011 amendment to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulatio...

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School Transportation Security Awareness

School Transportation Security Awareness

As you may know, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has a specific division that addre...

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School Bus Capacity and Route Times

School Bus Capacity and Route Times

The 2022-2023 school year is well underway, and the realities of the driver shortage continue to be ...

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