Legal Focus


Hot Pursuit – Effectively Pursuing School Bus Passing Violators in Pennsylvania

In recent years, public awareness of illegal passing of school buses has increased and Pennsylvania legislators, with the help of PSBA initiatives, have taken notice and made an effort to curb illegal passing. However, often when new laws are passed enforcement is not always as seamless as hoped when the law is written, Pennsylvania School Bus Stopping Laws are no exception. Law enforcement and Pennsylvania courts sometimes have difficulty enforcing the new laws and, as a result, may leave school bus contractors disappointed when a school bus passing violator is not held accountable. This article will discuss the evolution and current status of Pennsylvania school bus passing laws and how contractors can work with their law local enforcement officials and local courts to understand and use the nuances of Pennsylvania school bus passing laws to help decrease illegal passing.

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Update on Closure Day Payments to Contractors and Drivers

Update on Closure Day Payments to Contractors and Drivers

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, school districts nationwide have utilized so...

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Back to School Recruiting and Retaining Drivers

Back to School Recruiting and Retaining Drivers

Back to school season is in high gear and effective driver recruiting and retention are an important...

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Overtime and Minimum Wage Changes Propoosed by U.S. Department of Labor

Overtime and Minimum Wage Changes Propoosed by U.S. Department of Labor

Many remember the 2016 Obama era rule from the U.S. Dept. of Labor (US DOL) that sought to more than...

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Preparing Your Business to Transition to a New Future

Preparing Your Business to Transition to a New Future

It’s always a good time to think about succession planning and long term goals. Now, with the uncer...

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Positive Drug Tests: A Tale of Two Terminations

Positive Drug Tests: A Tale of Two Terminations

The 2017 legal environment was active for school bus contractors in Pennsylvania but the two cases d...

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Choosing Safe Stops for School Buses and School Vehicles

Choosing Safe Stops for School Buses and School Vehicles

Planning routes and choosing stops for school buses and school vehicles is not an easy task. Stops c...

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