News & Insights

Archive by tag: RetentionReturn

Cultivating a Positive Workplace Culture: Tips for Success

In today's dynamic work environments, fostering a positive workplace culture is crucial for employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall success. A positive culture not only attracts top talent but also ensures that teams work cohesively towards shared goals. Here are some tips for cultivating a positive workplace culture:
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Back to School Recruiting and Retaining Drivers

Back to school season is in high gear and effective driver recruiting and retention are an important part of minimizing the issues that arise. The driver shortage has increased the need to take advantage of every opportunity to hire and retain drivers. So, school bus contractors must consider different strategies when deciding what will best help alleviate the driver shortage for your business. Below, we discuss different strategies that you can try.Click Here to Read More
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Recruiting and Retaining Drivers during the Driver Shortage

As the school year begins to wind down, many school transportation contractors are already making preparations for next school year. It is no question that school transportation contractors are continuing to feel the effects of the nationwide school bus driver shortage, and so being able to secure drivers and ensure a fully operational staff at the start of the 2022-2023 school year is a primary concern. The summer months provide school transportation contractors with a great opportunity to eval...
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5/26/2022| Reference Number : 259.185| Human Resources, School Bus | Driver Shortage, Recruitment, Recruitment Bonus, Retention |

Access to School Bus Videos

Recently, Pennsylvania state authorities have provided conflicting direction on whether school bus videos must be produced when a copy is requested by a parent or other third party. This article will discuss the conflicting positions and provide practical guidance for contractors.
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