Legal Focus


Employer's Perspective on "Self-Certification" for CDL Holders

Much has been written previously and elsewhere in this newsletter regarding the details of the FMCSA ruling that requires states to downgrade a commercial driver’s license (CDL) for failure to submit medical certifications and provide the DOT with information about the type of vehicle being driven (self-certification). Like most states, Pennsylvania is scrambling to implement legislation that will create the forms and processes required for this to occur. Since most states are not prepared to enforce the federal recording keeping rule, the FMCSA issued a final rule on November 15, 2011 continuing, until January 30, 2014, the requirement that all CDL hold-ers must carry their medical certification card and all employers must keep a copy of same on file. While the FMCSA’s final rule does not extend the state’s compliance deadline or change the pen-alty for non-compliance, any state that has not implemented the “self-certification” process through its DOT simply has no mechanism to enforce the downgrade penalty. So, what should you do as an employer of CDL holders?

Contact Us to read the Full Article. 


OSHA Issues Final Rule on Reporting Workplace Injuries and Illnesses

OSHA Issues Final Rule on Reporting Workplace Injuries and Illnesses

On May 12, 2016 OSHA published a final rule on reporting workplace injuries and illnesses that affec...

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“Pre-Trip Inspections” – What Does the Law Require?

“Pre-Trip Inspections” – What Does the Law Require?

In January 2022 the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) granted a ninety day waiver ...

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US Supreme Court Invalidates EEOC Guidance Allowing Summary Dismissal of Retaliation Claims

US Supreme Court Invalidates EEOC Guidance Allowing Summary Dismissal of Retaliation Claims

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended prohibits employment discrimination and retalia...

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Diabetes Exemptions & Waivers

Diabetes Exemptions & Waivers

In September 2018, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced it was revising...

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Pennsylvania's Employer Disclosure Immunity Law: The Truth Will Set You Free

Pennsylvania's Employer Disclosure Immunity Law: The Truth Will Set You Free

All employers worry when they receive a call asking for information about a former employee. In fact...

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Electronic Logging Devices and Electronic OSHA Reporting Compliance Deadlines in December 2017

Electronic Logging Devices and Electronic OSHA Reporting Compliance Deadlines in December 2017

After December 1, 2017, school bus contractors with 20 or more employees will be required to report ...

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