Legal Focus


Payroll Protection Plan and Tax Issues for School Bus Contractors

Now that the Payroll Protection Plan loans have started funding – the questions re: how to qualify for forgiveness and how to coordinate these funds with other benefits are on everyone’s mind. School bus contractors have their own unique difficulties in this area, especially in coordination with their contracts and the school year calendar. Just like the application process, the tax issues are as clear as mud in many regards. Some questions can be answered, but some just cannot, so far. So, Rich Kelly has invited me (Joanne Natale, CPA, CFA of Proactive Tax Strategies, Inc.) to write today’s Legal Focus article about the Payroll Protection Plan and tax issues for school bus contractors.

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NSTA Member Advocacy: Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick…

In January of 1900, Theodore Roosevelt was governor of New York when he first used the phrase, “spe...

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U.S. Treasury Department Proposes New Regulations that Would Impact Transfers of Family Controlled Companies

On August 2, 2016, the Treasury Department released a proposal to modify the tax regulations for tr...

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Look Who’s Talking: NLRB Limits Management Control of Employee Speech

Look Who’s Talking: NLRB Limits Management Control of Employee Speech

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a memorandum in March 2015 addressing lawful and un...

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Pennsylvania Background Check Updates

Pennsylvania Background Check Updates

In 2011, changes to 24 P.S. § 1-111 (Act 24) were passed tightening the state’s qualifications for ...

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Legal Updates for School Bus Contractors - The Year 2016 in Review

Legal Updates for School Bus Contractors - The Year 2016 in Review

The legal environment for the school bus industry was active in 2016. For a summary of the most talk...

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What to Know About Non-Domiciled CDLs

What to Know About Non-Domiciled CDLs

As we approach the end of another school year, many school transportation contractors will once agai...

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