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Archive by tag: contractReturn

End of Year Legal Considerations for your Business

As the end of the year approaches, there are several legal considerations and tasks that businesses should address. Here are some end-of-the-year to-do items for businesses to consider as you plan for 2025:
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DOL Publishes New Final Rule on Independent Contractors

On January 10, 2024, the United States Department of Labor (the “DOL”) published it’s highly anticipated final rule on employee and independent contractor classification under the Fair Labor Standard Act (the “FLSA”). This final rule – the implementation of which was a primary goal of the Biden Administration – establishes a number of key changes to worker classifications, and rescinds the 2021 Independent Contractor Rule that was put into effect under the Trump Administration. Continue r...
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1/25/2024| Reference Number : 259.211| Department of Labor, Independent Contractor, Employment, Worker Classification |

The Fine Print: Understanding the Risks of AI-Generated Contracts

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous industries, streamlining processes, reducing errors, and increasing efficiency. One of the areas where AI is increasingly being utilized is contract drafting. AI-powered contract drafting tools promise to make the contract creation process faster and more accurate. However, it's essential to exercise caution when using AI for this purpose. In this article, we'll explore the risks and considerations associated with using AI to write...
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When Should You Contact a Lawyer to review Your Contract?

It's a good practice to contact a lawyer before signing a contract in several situations. Consider the total value you expect to receive or pay. The cost of up front advice is always less than the cost to fix things later. Consulting with a lawyer can help ensure that you fully understand the terms and implications of the contract, protect your rights, and avoid potential legal issues down the road. Here are some situations when you should consider contacting a lawyer before signing a cont...
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Fuel Clauses in Transportation Contracts

With the recent surge in the cost of fuel, school bus contractors nationwide have been closely monitoring the price at the pump over the last few months. When negotiating or renewing a transportation contract, fuel is typically a topic of significant dialog between the parties. School transportation contracts will normally specify who pays for fuel, but transportation contractors should also consider adding a fuel clause to address future fuel cost volatility.
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5/6/2022| Reference Number : 259.114.2| Legal, School Bus, Insurance/Risk Management, Legislative/Regulatory | Contract |

Pennsylvania Supreme Court to Decide if Pupil Transportation Contracts Require Pre-Approval by the Department of Education

A pending appeal to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court will challenge existing case law holding that there are no statutory requirements for Department of Education pre-approval of Pupil Transportation Contracts. The case of Bell v. Wilkinsburg School District will be heard in March of this year to decide this important issue. Continue reading for more details.
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Preparing Bids Post-COVID

For many contractors this spring is the first time since the COVID-19 school shutdowns began, that they will be preparing proposals or bids for transportation contracts. This article will discuss different post-COVID considerations and strategies.
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