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Archive by tag: SuspensionReturn

Beware of Citations that Result in Automatic CDL Suspension

Even the safest school bus driver could be cited by police or a DOT enforcement officer at some point. Sometimes a minor indiscretion, on personal time, leads to the driver think that a quick and quiet disposition is best. But, pleading guilty and paying a fine can lead to serious and unexpected consequences. Many drivers are unaware that many offenses require an automatic CDL license suspension that could put your driver out of action. Continue reading for more information
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Controlling the School Bus Environment

How school bus contractors respond when a student acts out on the school bus is a balancing act of knowledge, training, and consistency. School bus contractors are obligated to keep all students safe, and are mandated by state and federal laws to provide a safe environment on the school bus. Parents and school administrators have different concerns and legal obligations than do school bus contractors. Often, this makes it difficult for all three parties to see eye-to-eye, which increases the ne...
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