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Archive by tag: NLRBReturn

New NLRB Ruling Affects Non-Disparagement and Confidentially Clauses

When entering into formal agreements with employees, employers commonly include terms to protect certain interests, such as its reputation and image, or the terms surrounding the specific agreement. Recently, the National Labor Relations Board (the “NLRB”) decided an issue before it concerning non-disparagement and confidentiality clauses that were incorporated into severance agreements signed by employees. The Board’s decision ultimately affects how employers should use similar language in f...
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3/27/2023| Reference Number : 259.197| McLaren Macomb, #MeToo, Sexual Harassment, NLRB, Non-Disparagement, Confidentiality |

Social Media and School Bus Drivers

Social media has become an integral part of daily life for most individuals. As a result, it is seemingly impossible to go through the day without utilizing it for any given purpose. From employees to employers, social media affects everyone. This article discusses the use of social media as it relates to school transportation contractors.
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Look Who’s Talking: NLRB Limits Management Control of Employee Speech

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a memorandum in March 2015 addressing lawful and unlawful policies, procedures, and handbook rules. Specifically, any rule or policy that has a “chilling effect” on an employee’s Section 7 rights to concerted activity may be deemed to be unlawful. These new guidelines provide challenges for many companies to modify and rewrite their Handbook policies and company practices to remain lawful under the National Labor Relations Act.
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NLRB Issues "Ambush Election" Rules

On December 12, 2014, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued its Final Rule to Modernize Representation-Case Procedures, sometimes referred to as the “ambush election” Rules, which govern the procedures for union representation elections. The new rules go into effect on April 14, 2015. Read more about what this new rule means, if your company is a target for unionization and what you as an employer should do.
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1/2/2015| Reference Number : 52.0| Human Resources | National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), Unions |

